Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans 1639-1800
- Coverage: 1639 - 1800
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Early American Imprints: Series I is a microform collection that is based on the American Bibliography by Charles Evans and Roger Bristol's Supplement to American Bibliography. The collection was first published by Readex in cooperation with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS). The collection is focused on early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more, and covers subjects related to life in 17th- and 18th-century America, such as agriculture and auctions through foreign affairs, diplomacy, literature, music, religion, the Revolutionary War, temperance, witchcraft, and many others.
Early Arabic Printed Books From the British Library
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library includes examples from over 400 years of books printed in Arabic script as well as translations into European and Asian languages from the period. Users can search on the full text of items in Arabic, English, French, German, Latin, Italian, Dutch and Spanish while also being able to view content in Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Ottoman Turkish, Persian, Syriac and more.
Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures and the Environment
- Coverage: 1534 - 1850
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Early Encounters in North America contains 1,482 authors and over 100,000 pages of letters, diaries, memoirs and accounts of early American encounters which document the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women. Because of the way the collection is indexed, it is possible to retrieve information about a number of historical relationships. For example, you can identify all encounters between the French and the Huron between 1650 and 1700.
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
- Coverage: 1475 - 1700
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Early English Books Online contains over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475 - 1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641 - 1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640 - 1661). The collection primarily features digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473 - 1700, from the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War.
Early Modern England: Society, Culture, and everyday Life, 1500-1700
- Coverage:
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
This project offers rare and invaluable sources for examining the lived experience of people who witnessed this pivotal era of English history. From 'ordinary' people through to more prominent individuals and families, these documents show how everyday working, family, religious and administrative life was experienced across England.
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database
- Coverage:
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database contains full-text titles from around the world, including academic journals, trade and industry journals, journals, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
East & Central Europe Database
- Coverage:
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's East & Central Europe Database provides active full text to scientific periodicals locally published by publishers and academic institutions in various Central European and Eastern European countries. The main topics of interest represented in the database are economics, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and the humanities.
East & South Asia Database
- Coverage:
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's East and Southeast Asia database provides active full text to scientific periodicals locally published by publishers and academic institutions in various Southeast Asian countries. The main topics of interest represented in the database are economics, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and the humanities.
East India Company
- Coverage: 1599-1947
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
East India Company offers access to a unique collection of India Office Records from the British Library, London. Containing royal charters, correspondence, trading diaries, minutes of council meetings and reports of expeditions, among other document types, this resource charts the history of British trade and rule in the Indian subcontinent and beyond from 1599 to 1947.
- Coverage: 1959-2008
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: unlimited
EBONY is the flagship magazine of Johnson Publishing. Founded in 1945 by John H. Johnson, it still maintains the highest global circulation of any African American-focused magazine.
EBSCO eBooks
- Coverage: Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Provides access to a collection of eBooks from over 60 publishers, including Springer, Taylor & Francis and Wiley InterScience. The collection covers a variety of subjects, and allows users to search, cite, browse, and read the full text of the eBooks online, and in some cases (when permission is available) download eBooks for offline reading.
NOTE: Click the HELP link for information on downloading detailed instructions on how to download an ebook to read off-line.
This collection includes all of the EBSCO EBooks that the University of Utah has access to, whether it be a subscription collection or owned, perpetual titles.Help
EBSCOhost Databases
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: Pioneer
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
This listing provides access to all of the databases that the University of Utah subscribes to through EBSCOhost. Many are also listed elsewhere on our list of databases, but this serves as a common access point to all of them. The number of databases listed here may change as the University adds or removes EBSCOhost content from our collections. For more information about the databases that EBSCOhost provides access to, open this list and then click on the 'More Information' button next to any of the individual databases.
- Coverage: 1969 - Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
EconLit, the American Economic Association's electronic database, is a source of references to economic literature, providing citations and abstracts to economic research dating back to 1886. It provides links to full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics, and more. EconLit uses the JEL classification system and controlled vocabulary of keywords to index six types of records: journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers, and full-text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature. The database contains over 1.1 million records, with more being added over time.
Economist Archive 1843-2015
- Coverage: 1843-2015
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
The Economist Historical Archive is the fully searchable facsimile edition of The Economist, the weekly paper for anyone engaged in politics, current affairs, business and trade worldwide. Containing every issue since its launch in 1843, the archive offers full-colour images, multiple search indexes, topic and area supplements and surveys. It is an unrivalled multidisciplinary primary source for researching and teaching the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Education Collection
- Coverage: current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
This collection provides access to ERIC, the leading index for education research, in combination with the full- text Education Database. Together, they provide abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including full- text from hundreds of leading education journals.
Education Database
- Coverage:
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Education Database gives users access to more than 760 top-of-the-line educational publications, 600 of them full-text. Coverage covers primary, secondary, and higher education publications, as well as special education, home schooling, and adult education. Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database.
Education Database
- See: Education Collection
- See: Education Collection
Education Database supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education. The database supports global study and research, including thousands of full-text journals, dissertations and other relevant sources.
Coverage: 1988 - current
Education Full Text + ERIC
- Coverage: 1996 - Current
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: 20 (Statewide)
This listing provides access to the combined content of EBSCO's ERIC and Education Full Text databases. ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center) focuses on education literature and resources. ERIC lists citations and abstracts for over 1,000 comprehensively indexed educational and education-related journals, as well as annotated bibliographic records, including journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, and other education-related materials. The database contains more than 1,194,000 records and links to more than 200,000 full-text documents from ERIC. Education Full Text (EFT) provides coverage of an international range of English-language periodicals, monographs and yearbooks. EFT contains the full text of articles with indexing cover to cover from hundreds of journals. Coverage includes about 79 journals (37 with full text) not covered by ERIC’s CIJE. PDF page images accompany full text articles, offering both words and images. Subjects covered by these databases include Adult Education, Arts, Athletics, Comparative Education, Competency-Based Education, Computers in Education, Continuing Education, Educational Technology, Elementary Education, Government Funding, Higher Education, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Library Science, Literacy Standards, Multicultural/Ethnic Education, Parent-Teacher Relations, Prayer in Public Schools, Preschool Education, Religious Education, School Administration, Science and Mathematics, Secondary Education, Special Education, Student Counseling, Teacher Education, Teacher Evaluation, Teaching Methods, and Vocational Education.
Educators Reference Complete
- Coverage: unlimited
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Comprehensive collection of periodicals and reference content supporting the education field.
EECS Technical Reports
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
The EECS Technical Memorandum Series provides a dated archive of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) research. It includes Ph.D. theses and master's reports as well as technical documents that complement traditional publication media such as journals. For example, technical reports may document work in progress, early versions of results that are eventually published in more traditional media, and supplemental information such as long proofs, software documentation, code listings, or elaborated examples. Technical reports listed here include the EECS Technical Report series (started in October 2005), the CS Technical Report series (from 1982 to 2005), and the ERL Technical report series (from 1984 to 2005, plus selected titles from before 1984). The full text is included for the EECS and CS series, but not for the ERL series.
eHRAF World Cultures
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
eHRAF World Cultures is a collection of thousands of books and articles on cultures from all regions of the world. The database may be used to find information on particular cultures, ethnic groups, or immigrant groups, and it may be used to find information on beliefs, superstitions, or subjects such as political structure, architecture, kinship units, or settlement patterns. The collections are organized around two thesauri: the Outline of World Cultures (OWC) and the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM). The OWC thesaurus is vocabulary-ordered by regions and subregions of over 2,200 cultures around the world, and HRAF uses the OWC thesaurus to select cultures to include in the eHRAF World Cultures collection. The OCM is a subject thesaurus with nearly 800 entries and over 10,000 index entries. Every paragraph in every document in the eHRAF Collection is indexed with OCM subjects.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to a large collection of English and foreign-language literature printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of works from the Americas. The collection is focused on The American Revolution, The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution. Works by both well-known and lesser-known authors of the period are included as well as contemporary works that analyze and debate those titles. Materials contained in the database include books, directories, bibles, sheet music, sermons, and pamphlets. This listing also includes access to the Burney Collection, which contains a number of newspapers from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Eighteenth Century Drama
- Coverage: 18th Century
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Delve into the theatrical world of eighteenth century society and explore how the Larpent plays reflect the politics of the time, the role of women, views on race and religion, opinions on empire, and European and British history.
Eighteenth Century Drama features three distinct areas:
Primary source documents; the focus of which is the Larpent collection of plays and Anna Larpent's Diaries
The London Stage Database; and
The Biographical Dictionary Database
Eighteenth Century Journals
- Coverage: c.1685-1835
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Bringing together rare journals printed between c.1685 and 1835, this resource illuminates all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Topics covered are wide-ranging and include colonial life, provincial and rural affairs, the French and American revolutions, reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe, political debates, and London coffee house gossip and discussion.
- Coverage: 1947 - Present
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Eccles Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Embase contains over 28 million records from over 8,400 currently published journals, as well as a number of conference abstracts and in-press publications. Coverage ranges from 1947 to the present, covering subjects such as biomedicine and pharmacology.
- Coverage: current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Eccles Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
is a nursing/allied health research database containing unique content and features more than a thousand journals not covered by Embase, Medline, or CINAHL. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine. I’ve attached an Emcare Fact Sheet, as well as a title list of covered journals.
Emerging Sources Citation Index [Web of Science]
- Coverage: last 5 years
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
ESCI captures scientific, social science, and humanities trends and developments beyond the high-impact literature. The journals selected and reviewed by our editorial team have identified as important to key opinion leaders, funders, and evaluators worldwide.
Empire Online
- Coverage: complete
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Empire Online, a resource comprised of primary source documents sourced from leading archives.
This resource has been developed to encourage undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and researchers to explore colonial history, politics, culture and society. Material in the resource spans five centuries, charting the story of the rise and fall of empires; from the voyages of Columbus, Captain Cook, and others, through to decolonization in the second half of the twentieth century and debates over American Imperialism.
Material in Empire Online has been sourced from a wide range of institutions, with a particularly strong core of documents and images from the British Library. Visit the Participating Libraries page to see a complete list of institutions that have provided material.
There is a good balance between highly indexed manuscript and full text printed material, with a broad range of document types.
Encyclopaedia of Islam
- Coverage: Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: 3
The Encyclopaedia of Islam provides access to articles on distinguished Muslims and their tribes and dynasties, crafts and sciences, political and religious institutions, their history, and information about the geography, ethnography, flora and fauna, topography and monuments of their major towns, cities and countries. The encyclopaedia is focused historically and geographically on the old Arabo-Islamic empire, the Islamic countries of Iran, Central Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Indonesia, the Ottoman Empire and all other Islamic countries.
Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences
- Coverage: 1st Edition
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences covers many aspects of atmospheric sciences, including both theory and applications. It currently contains over 350 articles, as well as over 1,900 figures and photographs. The Encyclopedia is aimed at academia, government, and industry in the fields of atmospheric, ocean, and environmental sciences and is written at a level that allows undergraduate students to understand the material while providing active researchers with updates on information in the field.
Encyclopedia of Life
- Coverage: Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database is a collaboration between several institutions (Biodiversity Heritage Library, Field Museum of Natural History, Harvard University, Marine Biological Laboratory, Missouri Botanical Garden and Smithsonian Institution) and many contributors, which focus on describing the approximate 1.8 million known species of life on earth. Information on a given species will usually include taxonomy, geographic distribution, collections, genetics, evolutionary history, morphology, behavior, ecological relationships, and importance for human well being. The encyclopedia is an ongoing project with new species and information being continuously added.
Encyclopedia of Modernism
- Coverage:
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
The largest and most comprehensive resource available for all those involved in the study of modernism from students to academics. Interdisciplinary and global content about the Modernist period. The content is fully cross-referenced, allowing for greater discoverability between fields, and covers eight key subject areas: Literature, Architecture, Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and Intellectual Currents. Researchers can browse by subject, movement, or place in order to discover connections between key topics and fields
EndNote Basic
- Coverage: Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
User Registration Required (Free)
EndNote Basic is a service designed to help students and researchers through the process of writing a research paper. EndNote Basic helps organize and format references, create footnotes or a bibliography, and collect other information related to a user's research. EndNote Basic requires users to register - since its purpose is to organize personalized research information, each user must sign into a personal account before using the service.
EndNote Click
- Coverage:
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users:
Kopernio is a free, easy-to-use browser plugin that helps you save time accessing full-text journal articles by bringing your institutional subscriptions as well as open access content into your workflow at your point of need. Kopernio works where you do, on campus, off-campus at home or when traveling to conferences. Our extension is integrated with over 20,000 academic websites including Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar.
Over 150,000 at top research institutions worldwide use Kopernio to turbocharge their literature searches.
Now available on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
Engineering Database
- Coverage:
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Engineering database provides unmatched coverage of specific disciplines such as Aircraft Design and Engineering, Arctic and Tropical Engineering, Automotive Design and Engineering, Civil Engineering for Air and Space Transportation, Electrical and Industrial Engineering, among others, spanning thousands of publications, many of them in full text.
Engineering Village
- Coverage: Varies by Database
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
This link provides access to the content of two databases from Engineering Village, Compendex Archive(Engineering Index Backfile) and Inspec. Compendex Archive is a bibliographic database of engineering research which contains over 1.7 million references and abstracts taken from over 6,000 scholarly journals, trade magazines, conference proceedings and technical papers. The subjects covered by this database include nuclear technology, transportation, chemical and process engineering, light and optical technology, agricultural engineering and food technology, data processing, applied physics, electronics and communications, control, civil, mechanical, materials, petroleum, aerospace and automotive engineering as well as narrower subtopics within all these and other major engineering fields. The Compendex Archive provides a comprehensive, historical view of engineering developments and innovations described in literature from 1884-1969. Access to current information in Compendex is available through Scopus. Inspec is a bibliographic database providing access to scientific literature in electrical engineering, electronics, physics, control engineering, information technology, communications, computers, computing, manufacturing and production engineering. The database contains over 13 million bibliographic records from scientific and technical journals and conference proceedings. Inspec's online coverage is from 1898 to the present, and records are updated weekly, with approximately 760,000 new records added to the database annually.
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive
- Coverage: 1880-2000
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
An archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of all articles, covers, ads and reviews.
Entrez, the Life Sciences Search Engine
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Entrez is an integrated, text-based search and retrieval system used at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) for searching major databases, including PubMed, Nucleotide and Protein Sequences, Protein Structures, Complete Genomes, Taxonomy, and others. It can be used to retrieve a variety of information on subjects related to the life sciences.
Environmental Science Database
- Coverage:
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Environmental Science Database contains full-text titles from around the world, including academic journals, trade and industry journals, journals, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
ERIC from Proquest
- See: Education Collection
- See: Education Collection
This database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to education-related literature. ERIC provides coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs.
Coverage: 1966 - current
Essay and General Literature Index
- Coverage: 1985 - Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: 1
This database provides access to over 70,000 essays contained in more than 7,000 anthologies and collections. The database contains over 300 collections which are indexed annually, plus more than 20 selected annuals and serials. Coverage spans the a range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences, including literary works, art history, drama, and film.
Essential Science Indicators
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Essential Science Indicators provides access to usage statistics and comparisons for over ten million research articles from over 11,000 journals. The database can be used to analyze research performance of companies, institutions, nations, and journals. The data can also help identify trends in the sciences and social sciences, rank countries/institutions/etc. by field of research, and evaluate potential employees.
Ethnic NewsWatch
- Coverage: 1990 - Current
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) features newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing access to their perspectives. With titles dating from 1990, ENW presents a full-text collection of more than 300 publications offering both national and regional coverage. The collection contains publications from Asian-American, Jewish, African-American, Native-American, Arab-American, Eastern-European, and multi-ethnic communities. Titles include New York Amsterdam News, Asian Week, Jewish Exponent, Seminole Tribune, and more. A majority of the content is exclusive to ENW and not available in any other database. Of the more than 1.6 million articles contained in the collection, nearly a quarter are presented in Spanish. Dozens of major Latino publications are featured, including El Nuevo Herald, El Diario/La Prensa, and Mundo Hispánico.
Ethnographic Video Online
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Ethnographic Video Online provides access to a collection of resources for the study of human culture and behavior featuring (at completion) over 1,000 films for more than 750 hours of video. The collection covers many regions of the world and features the work of a variety of influential documentary filmmakers of the 20th century, including interviews, previously unreleased raw footage, field notes, study guides, and more.
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
- Coverage: full
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users:
Ethnologue: Languages of the World is a comprehensive reference work that provides information and statistics for all of the world’s known living languages. Since 1951, Ethnologue has been an active research project involving hundreds of linguists and other researchers around the world. It is widely regarded as the most comprehensive source of information of its kind.
- Coverage:
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Delve into the cultural study of music and explore content from across the globe with this diverse and comprehensive collection. Produced in collaboration with the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive, the material in this collection includes thousands of audio field recordings and interviews, educational recordings, film footage, field notebooks, slides, correspondence and ephemera from over 60 fields of study.
Europeana Newspapers
- Coverage: current
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Europenaa provides online access to around 12 million pages of historical newspapers content from twenty-three European libraries. The site also provides indexing for more than 20 million newspaper pages from thousands of European newspaper archives.
Europeana, Europe's Multimedia
- Coverage: Current
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Europeana is a collection of the digital resources of Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections. More than 15 million items are found in Europeana's database, including paintings, drawings, maps, photos, pictures of museum objects, books, newspapers, letters, diaries, archival papers, music and spoken word from cylinders, tapes, discs and radio broadcasts, and videos such as films, newsreels and TV broadcasts. Some items and topics are famous, like Isaac Newton's book about the Laws of Motion, the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, or objects related to the Berlin Wall. Others are lesser-known works from obscure or unpopular creators. Around 1500 institutions have contributed to Europeana, including the British Library in London, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Louvre in Paris as well as a number of smaller organisations across Europe.
- Coverage: Current
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg, whose goal is to provide the European Union with statistics that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Their database contains a variety of information, including emissions, employment, demographics, economics, and geographic data for many of the EU's member nations.
Everyday Life and Women in America, c1800-1920
- Coverage:
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Everyday Life & Women in America, c.1800-1920 showcases unique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Explore documents from the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University and The New York Public Library
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
Explora is a search interface for EBSCO products that is targeted at students in primary and secondary education. Topics can be searched for directly or browsed via a directory. The content of the database includes articles, images, videos, article summaries, and more.
Exploring Race in Society
- Coverage: complete
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: unlimited
This free research database offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Essays, articles, reports and other reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.
Content Includes:
100 proprietary essays covering topics relevant to current race-related issues
900 full-text articles from BlackPast, a leading source on the African American experience
250 photographs, graphs and charts
Access now
In addition to proprietary essays, photographs, graphs and charts, Exploring Race in Society includes:
Thousands of full-text articles from academic journals
Government agency reports curated and provided by HeinOnline
Full-text articles, primary source documents and speeches from BlackPast, a leading source on African American history and experience
Journal content covering issues related to race, including those of Indigenous communities