J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America
- Coverage: 1887-2014
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
The J. Walter Thompson Company Archive documents the history, operation, policies and accomplishments of one of the world's largest and oldest advertising firms. The papers here reveal many aspects of twentieth-century cultural, social, business, marketing, consumer and economic history while investigating the human psyche. Documents in this resource date from 1887 to 2014, with the bulk of the material dating from 1900 to 2000.
- Coverage: updated monthly
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Eccles Library
- Maximum Users:
JAMA Evidence, using evidence to improve care. An instructional resource from AMA, JAMAEvidence teaches users about concepts fundamental to the practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM), including study design and the “validity, importance, and applicability of claims about the assessment of health problems and the outcomes of health careâ€. JAMAEvidence includes key texts:
- Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
- The Rational Clinical Examination: Evidence-based Clinical Diagnosis
- Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience
Content is updated monthly. University of Utah only
Japanese American Internment: Records of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
- Coverage: 1933-1988
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
In an atmosphere of hysteria following U.S. entry into the Second World War, and with the support of officials at all levels of the federal government, President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the internment of tens of thousands of American citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident aliens from Japan. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, dated February 19, 1942, gave the U.S. military broad powers to ban any citizen from a wide coastal area stretching from the state of Washington to California and extending inland into southern Arizona. The order also authorized transporting these citizens to assembly centers hastily set up and governed by the military in Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington. The same executive order, as well as other war-time orders and restrictions, were also applied to smaller numbers of residents of the United States of Italian or German descent. Yet while these individuals (and others from those groups) suffered grievous violations of their civil liberties, the war-time measures applied to Japanese Americans were harsher and more sweeping. Entire communities were uprooted by an executive order that targeted U.S. citizens and resident aliens.
Content: 6,734 images
Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers: Perspectives on Day-to-Day Life
- Coverage: 1942-1945
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
The bombing of Pearl Harbor and the war that followed were well covered by the national press; however, little was known of the actions this nation took in regard to the Japanese-American minority population living on the West Coast. In the months following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government was besieged with demands that action be taken against the Japanese in the form of removal from "sensitive areas" and incarceration in camps, preferably located in the interior of the U.S. These demands and subsequent actions were motivated by the fear that Japanese-Americans would become a fifth column for the Japanese military command and spy against the U.S. By April 1942, more than 100,000 Japanese persons - aliens and American citizens - were housed in what came to be known as relocation centers run by the War Relocation Authority. 24,838 images from the Library of Congress
- Coverage: Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Gift
- Maximum Users: 2 simultaneous users
Note: Access to this database has been purchased using one-time funding and will be temporary and may be canceled June 8, 2021.
JapanKnowledge provides access to various Japanese reference sources including JapanKnowledge Lib + Kokushi Daijiten + Nihon Rekishi Chimei
- Coverage: 1951-2008
- Access: Freely Available
- Purchased By: Free
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Jet magazine is a weekly source of African American political and entertainment news.
Jewish Life in America
- Coverage:
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: unlimited
Jewish Life in America provides access to a diverse range of records which can be used to explore the history of Jewish communities in the United States of America, from the arrival of the first Jews in New Amsterdam in the 17th century right through to the mid-20th century. Sourced from archival collections held by the American Jewish Historical Society in New York City, this rich collection brings communal and social aspects of Jewish identity and culture to life while tracing Jewish involvement in the life of American society as a whole.
Journal Citation Reports: Science and Social Sciences
- Coverage: Current
- Access: University of Utah
- Purchased By: Marriott Library
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database contains both the Science and Social Sciences Editions of Journal Citation reports, which collectively cover about 5,000 international science journals and about 1,600 international social sciences journals from the ISI database. Both are able to show analytical data about journals like highest impact, most frequent use, largest journals, etc.
JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection
- Coverage: Varies
- Access: UALC
- Purchased By: UALC
- Maximum Users: Unlimited
JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection provides full-text access to all content that the Jstor publishes. The majority of the database is archival content, and new issues are added to the collection periodically. New content may not appear in JSTOR until months or years after its initial publication date, and update frequencies for journals vary by title and publisher. Current Artstor platform expected retirement of the site/URL at the end of July 2024. Artstor content will be migrated to the Jstor platform. Artstor content can be found at https://www.jstor.org/images.