Article Databases -- Marriott Library -- The University of Utah

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Wall Street Journal

  • Coverage: currrent
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: University of Utah
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
NOTE:User Notice: By creating a WSJ user account, you acknowledge that you are financially responsible for any claim against the WSJ arising from any User Content you create. All current students, faculty and staff have online access to the Wall Street Journal, courtesy of the University of Utah. You must first set up a Wall Street Journal online account. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Sign in to the University of Utah’s Single Sign-On web page with your University uNID and password Step 3: The first time you sign on you will be taken to a separate Wall Street Journal (WSJ) sign-in web page. a. Account Type—select your status: Student, Staff, or Professor a. Students will need to enter their anticipated graduation month and year. Please note: you can change your graduation date at a later date by reaching out to WSJ’s customer service ( or 1-800-JOURNAL) b. Email Address—WSJ will allow you to use a different email address if you wish. c. Password—You have to enter a password for the Wall Street Journal account you are setting up. (Do NOT enter your University of Utah password at this step since this is not a University of Utah account.) Step 4: After the first time signing on, you will be able to sign in directly through After it is set up you will also be able to access this new account from the WSJ app on your phone/tablet.

Wall Street Journal Historical Newspaper

  • Coverage: 1889 - 2013
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to a full-image archive of the Wall Street Journal. Every issue from 1889-2011 is included and features the complete paper cover-to-cover with full page and article images in PDF form.

We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death, Freedom Riders in the South, 1961

  • Coverage: 1961
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Content: 4,285 images Source Library: Federal Bureau of Investigation Library. Freedom Riders were civil rights activists that rode interstate buses into the segregated South to test the United States Supreme Court decision in Boynton v. Virginia. Boynton had outlawed racial segregation in the restaurants and waiting rooms in terminals serving buses that crossed state lines. Five years prior to the Boynton ruling, the Interstate Commerce Commission had issued a ruling in Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company that had explicitly denounced the Plessy v. Ferguson doctrine of separate but equal in interstate bus travel, but the ICC had failed to enforce its own ruling, and thus Jim Crow travel laws remained in force throughout the South. The Freedom Riders set out to challenge this status quo by riding various forms of public transportation in the South to challenge local laws or customs that enforced segregation. The Freedom Rides, and the violent reactions they provoked, bolstered the credibility of the Civil Rights Movement and called national attention to the violent disregard for the law that was used to enforce segregation in the southern United States. Riders were arrested for trespassing, unlawful assembly, and violating state and local Jim Crow laws, along with other alleged offenses.
Web of Knowledge
- See: Web of Science Core Collection

Web of Science Core Collection

  • Coverage: 1900 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Search the world's leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the science, social sciences, and arts and humanities and navigate the full citation network. Science Citation Index Expanded (1900 - present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900 - present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present), Book Citation Indexes (2005-current), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-current, supports structure searches), Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes (1990-current), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-current), and Index Chemicus (1993-current).

For published authors of monographs, please submit your request to be added to Web of Science.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law

  • Coverage:
  • Access:
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The 13-volume West's Encyclopedia of American Law provides current information on more than 5,000 legal topics. The Encyclopeda includes articles covering important current issues, cases, statutes, biographies, and definitions, and the articles are written in lucid, everyday language for general readers.

Wikipedia List of Open Newspaper Archives

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: unlimited

Wiley Evidence Based Acquisition

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
This EBA program provides access to over 22,500 ebooks in 100+ subjects. New ebooks are added periodically. All titles are DRM free with unlimited user access.

Wiley Online Library Journals

  • Coverage: Varies by Journal
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited

Note: We do not have access to everything in this database. Only the articles and journals with the open padlock symbol next to them are available.

This database provides access to a selection of journals from the Wiley Online Library, a collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. The resources that the University subscribes to can be accessed either by search or browsing, and can often provide access to issues of a given journal before it is available in print.

Wolters Kluwer Tax and Accounting

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By:
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to a variety of federal and state tax information. Subjects covered in the database include state and federal tax cases and rulings, tax reviews, international tax, accounting and audit, financial planning and estate planning. Also included are a collection of practice, organization and citation tools.
Woman's Day
- See: Women's Magazine Archive

Women in the National Archives

  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
This collection consists of two distinct elements: Original documents pertaining to the question of suffrage in Britain, the Empire and colonial territories and a finding aid to augment searchability of women's studies resources in The National Archives (TNA)

Women Writers Online

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This is a full-text database of pre-Victorian women's writing. The initial release of Women Writers Online included over 200 English texts by women written before 1830, with a broadly interdisciplinary range of subjects and genres. New content is added periodically.

Women's Magazine Archive

  • Coverage: complete
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
An archival research resource comprising the full backfiles of leading women’s interest consumer magazines. Titles are scanned from cover to cover in high-resolution color and feature detailed article-level indexing. Coverage ranges from the late-19th century through to 2005 and these key primary sources permit the examination of the events, trends, and attitudes of this period. Among the research fields served by this material are gender studies, social history, economics/marketing, media, fashion, politics, and popular culture.

Women's Studies Archive: Voice and Vision; Issues and Identities Digital Archive

  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Much of history is one-sided, focusing mainly on the male perspective and leaving women's voices unheard. Bringing women's stories to light, the Women's Studies Archive connects archival collections concerning women's history from across the globe and from a wide range of sources. Focusing on the evolution of feminism throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the archive provides materials on women's political activism, such as suffrage, birth control, pacifism, civil rights, and socialism, and on women's voices, from female-authored literature to women's periodicals. By providing the opportunity to witness female perspectives, Gale's Women's Studies Archive is an essential source for researchers working in Women's History, Gender Studies and Social History.

Women's Studies Encyclopedia Online

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Women's Studies Encyclopedia contains information about women from many fields and disciplines of study, focusing on the American experience (though many entries are related to women in other parts of the world as well).

Women's Studies International

  • Coverage: 1972 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: 5
This database contains an index of the feminist press that covers nearly 3,000 sources in women's studies areas of sociology, history, political science & economy, public policy, international relations, arts & humanities, business and education.

Women's Voices and Life Writing

  • Coverage: 1600-1968
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Women’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 brings together diaries and oral histories for the study of the lives and experiences of less well-known women, told through their own words. Featuring content from both regional and national archives across the UK and Ireland, users can explore the life course of hundreds of individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds.

World Bank Data

  • Coverage: 1960 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to more than 550 development indicators with time series for over 200 countries, with new and updated data added regularly as it becomes available.
World Ceramics Abstracts
- See: Ceramic Abstracts
World Development Indicators Online
- See: World Bank Data
World History in Context
- See: Gale in Context: World History

World Newspaper Archive

  • Coverage: Varies by Paper
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database contains a searchable collection of digital replicas of newspapers published in English and a variety of other languages. The collection focuses on the history and politics of diverse peoples and cultures during the 19th and early 20th centuries through eyewitness reporting, editorials, legislative updates, letters, poetry, advertisements, matrimony or death notices and more. Includes Latin American and South Asian Newspapers.

World's Fairs

  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Explore the phenomenon of world's fairs from the Crystal Palace in 1851 and the proliferation of North American exhibitions, to fairs around the world and twenty-first century expos. Through official records, monographs, publicity, artwork and artifacts, this resource brings together multiple archives for rich research opportunities in this diverse topic.

WorldCat (FirstSearch)

  • Coverage: 1000 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
WorldCat's search covers over 30 million records of any type of material cataloged by OCLC member libraries, including manuscripts written as early as the 11th century. The database has holdings information for many US and some foreign libraries, and is updated daily. WorldCat Quick Search is also available to the general public.

Worldcat Discovery

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Identify resources at your library and in the collections of the world's libraries. Library users and staff use WorldCat Discovery to search the WorldCat database of electronic, digital and physical resources; to identify materials they need and to find out where they are available.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

  • Coverage: 1975 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to bibliographic information and research within the political science discipline and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, public administration, and policy.