Article Databases -- Marriott Library -- The University of Utah

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  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
AccessScience is a reference tool for all scientific disciplines. The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks of Science & Technology, the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, and the the Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography are all included, as are nearly 800 videos illustrating various concepts in science.

ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication

  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users:
The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication provides students, researchers, educators, and librarians with the instruction and advice they need to master the art of scholarly communication. The new Guide covers all instructions from previous editions of The ACS Style Guide - completely updated and modernized - as well as a wealth of brand new chapters covering everything from preprints, Open Access, machine-readable data, and much more.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The ACS Journal Archives provide searchable full-text access to over 130 years of original research in chemistry, including more than 450,000 articles dating back to the inaugural volume of the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1879. ACS publishes more than 35 peer-reviewed journals with articles across a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, including agriculture, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, applied microbiology, chemical engineering, chemical information, general chemistry, clinical chemistry, computational chemistry, crystallography, energy and fuels, environmental science, food science and technology, inorganic chemistry, materials science, medicinal chemistry, nanoscience, organic chemistry, pharmacology and pharmacy, physical chemistry, polymer science, theoretical chemistry, toxicology, and others.
American Chemical Society Guide to Scholarly Communication
- See: ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication

Cambridge Structural Database (WebCSD)

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is a worldwide repository of small-molecule crystal structures developed and maintained by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC). This database records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds. This link provides access to the web version of this repository, which is called WebCSD. WebCSD will work on almost any web browser or platform, but it is not as comprehensive as the client software. If you are simply looking up common structures for educational purposes the web version should suffice, but for more complex tasks you will want to use the desktop client. On the library's Windows computers, you can access the desktop client by navigating to Desktop --> Class Software --> CCDC. There is currently no client version for Mac OS X or Linux. For access outside the Marriott Library you will have to set up an account with the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC). The CHPC Information Page for the CSDS provides information about the software. To set up an account, visit the CHPC Account Setup Page. For questions, call Daureen Nesdill at (801) 585-5975 or send an email to our science librarians.

Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) Online

  • Coverage: 1998 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Chemical & Engineering News is a weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society in which editors and reporters cover events in the science and technology, business and industry, government and policy, education, and employment aspects of the chemistry field. C&EN Online offers recent news, supplementary material to C&EN print articles, back issues of the magazine since 1998, and features such as Reel Science, NanoFocus, RSS feeds, and blogs.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited

NOTE: This database will be canceled August 1, 2024.

The collection centers around reference handbooks for chemists. It includes CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Combined Chemical Dictionary, Dictionary or Organic Compounds, specialized dictionaries, Properties of Organic Compounds and Polymers: A property Database. Note: The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is continuously updated. If you are having trouble finding information it may be in an earlier edition. A summary of changes to the database is also available.


  • Coverage: 1830-1969
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
ChemZent provides access to the first and only indexed, English-searchable version of Chemisches Zentralblatt. Chemisches Zentralblatt is the oldest journal of chemistry abstracts. ChemZent allows authorized users to explore, discover and isolate historic chemistry information using familiar SciFinder features. Also, gain additional entry points to ChemZent abstracts through indexing of relevant concepts and substances. Pinpoint the location of the abstract within the original German PDF with abstract markers and make use of the CAS controlled vocabulary for greater discoverability and Print and export original German and English translated abstracts.

Common Chemistry

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database contains the CAS Registry Number®, chemical names (both formal and common), molecular formulas, and structures or sequences for over 7800 chemicals of widespread general public interest. These substances are of global commercial use or importance and have been cited 1,000 or more times in the CAS Databases. Examples of substances included are aspirin, biotin, benzoyl peroxide, and boric acid. The Common Chemistry database also includes all 118 elements of the Periodic Table, although not all of the elements may meet the 1,000 references threshold. The database also features links to Wikipedia records (when available) that have been provided by the Wikipedia Chemicals WikiProject in collaboration with Chemical Abstracts Service.

Coronavirus Research Database

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The Coronavirus Research Database is a collection of journal articles, preprints, conference proceedings, dissertations and more related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. It includes comprehensive research background coverage of past pandemics and epidemics, like MERS and SARS, to give researchers and students context around the current global crisis. Coronavirus Research Database aggregates open content from ProQuest with content made freely available by members of the International Association of STM Publishers. Notable publishers contributing to the Coronavirus Research Database include Public Library of Science, BioMed Central, MDPI AG, Springer Nature Publisher Group, Taylor & Francis and The BMJ. Preprint servers include and BioRxiv

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited

NOTE: This database will be canceled August 1, 2024.

The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is a widely used source of data for chemists, physicists, and professionals in related fields. The Handbook is updated annually, and contains information on topics relevant to Chemistry and Physics, such as Fluid Properties, Biochemistry, Polymer Properties, Practical Laboratory Data, Thermochemistry, Electrochemistry, Kinetics, Symbols, Terminology, and Nomenclature, as well as many others. The website displays a list of new and revised tables for the current edition, and provides access to tools that help search the Handbook and enhance its functionality.

International Atomic Energy Agency

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database contains scientific and technical publications from the IAEA, a publisher in the nuclear field. The collection includes proceedings of major international conferences, as well as international guides, codes, and standards. Note that this entry provides access to the same content available to the general public - some materials on the site may not be freely available.

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited

NOTE: This database will be canceled February 1, 2024.

This encyclopedia covers the properties, manufacturing, and uses of chemicals, as well as materials, processes, and engineering principles. Current research, emerging technologies, economic aspects, environmental impacts and health concerns are also addressed. The database contains over 1,000 articles, which are updated regularly, as well as archival content.


  • Coverage: current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
MarinLit is a database dedicated to marine natural products research. The database was established in the 1970s by Professors John Blunt and Murray Munro at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. It was designed as an in-house system to fulfil the needs of the University of Canterbury Marine Group and has evolved to contain unique searchable features and powerful dereplication tools. The extremely comprehensive range of data contained along with these powerful features makes MarinLit the database of choice for marine natural products researchers. Comprehensive coverage of marine natural products in journal articles, including new and revised compounds, synthesis, ecology and biological activities.

Materials Science and Engineering Collection

  • Coverage: Varies by Database
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This link provides access to a selection of engineering and materials science databases from ProQuest and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, including Engineering Index, METADEX, Aluminium Industry Abstracts, Ceramic Abstracts, copper and polymer databases, Corrosion Abstracts, Engineered Materials Abstracts, and Materials Business File.

Merck Index

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Merck Index is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals that contains more than 10,000 monographs. Each monograph is a description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. Monographs in the Merck Index typically contain CAS registry numbers, chemical formulas, molecular weights, compositions, structural formulas, descriptions of a substance's appearance, melting points and boiling points, citations to other literature regarding the compound's chemical synthesis, therapeutic categories (if applicable), and hazard information.

Methods in Organic Synthesis (MOS) Online

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Methods in Organic Synthesis (MOS) is an alerting service covering current developments in organic synthesis. Topics covered by the database include new reactions, reagents, functional group changes, introduction of chiral centers, enzyme transformations, biological transformations, and more. Each MOS item includes reaction schemes, title and bibliographic details, and categorization by five indexes: author, product, reaction, reactant and reagent.
NACA Reports
- See: TRAIL

Natural Product Updates (NPU) Online

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: University of Utah
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Natural Product Updates (NPU) provides access to graphical abstracts of new developments in natural product chemistry, selected from dozens of primary source journals. Some topics covered in the database include isolation studies, biosynthesis, new natural products, known compounds from new sources, structure determinations, and more. Around 200 graphical abstracts are published online each month, including structure diagrams, trivial and taxonomic names, molecular formulas, and physical and biological properties. Where items are taken from Royal Society of Chemistry journal articles, direct links are provided to the full text if it is available online.

Pistoia Alliance Chemical Safety Library (CSL)

  • Coverage:
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The Pistoia Alliance Chemical Safety Library (CSL) is a searchable repository of crowd-sourced chemical safety incident information. It is open access and made available by the American Chemical Society to support laboratory safety and serve scientists worldwide.

Reagent Chemicals, 10th Edition

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Reagent Chemicals sets standards for the purity of reagent-grade chemicals and recommends test methods for analyzing these chemicals. This database provides specifications and analytical procedures to ensure the quality of chemicals, and includes general physical properties and uses for over 500 reagent chemicals.

Royal Society of Chemistry eBooks

  • Coverage: 1968 - 2010
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This listing provides access to a collection of ebooks focused on research and opinion in the chemical sciences, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Royal Society of Chemistry eJournals

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This listing provides access to all of the full-text journals the library subscribes to through the Royal Society of Chemistry. A number of subjects are covered by the collection, including biology, biophysics, chemical science, materials, medicinal drug discovery and physics. New content is added as it becomes available.

Science of Synthesis

  • Coverage: 1909-2024
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The Science of Synthesis Database is structure, reaction, text, and field searchable and provides access to the full Science of Synthesis series, including the Houben-Weyl Archive, published from 1909 to-date.

Science Reference Center

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Pioneer
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
NOTE: This database has been canceled. Access expired on July 1, 2024.

Science Reference Center contains full-text materials from hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. Topics covered in Science Reference Center include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, life science, mathematics, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology, and wildlife.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
ScienceDirect provides access to a collection of articles from over 2,500 journals and more than 30,000 book titles. Various topics in a range of scientific fields are covered by the database.


  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
NOTE: You must register for a user account to use this database - note that for registration you must use your University of Utah email. This database is licensed for use only by U of U faculty, students and staff conducting scholarly research. It is not to be used for commercial research. SciFinder n is a research discovery application that provides integrated access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative source of references, substances and reactions in chemistry and related sciences. Available in Scifinder-N, ChemZent provides access to the first and only indexed, English-searchable version of Chemisches Zentralblatt. Chemisches Zentralblatt is the oldest journal of chemistry abstracts.ChemZent allows authorized users to explore, discover and isolate historic chemistry information using familiar SciFinder features. Also, gain additional entry points to ChemZent abstracts through indexing of relevant concepts and substances. Pinpoint the location of the abstract within the original German PDF with abstract markers and make use of the CAS controlled vocabulary for greater discoverability and Print and export original German and English translated abstracts.


  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and patents. The database is updated daily; Scopus contains over 93 million records with over 87 million records since 1970. Scopus indexes over 26,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 7,000 publishers, including over 6,000 open access journals. Scopus also indexes nearly 200 trade publications, nearly 150,000 conferences, and over 300,000 books. Additionally, the database contains over 48 million patent records from US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and UK Intellectual Property Office.

Springer Experiments

  • Coverage: complete collection
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Find, evaluate and implement protocols and methods across the life sciences with Experiments is a new research solution developed by Springer Nature to connect researchers with the most relevant and important protocols and methods to support their research projects. Springer Experiments brings together the largest available collection of protocols and methods proven to create results, with content from: Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, SpringerProtocols and Protocols Exchange.
Springer Protocols
- See: Springer Experiments

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited is a free system of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, toxic releases, environmental health, and related areas.


  • Coverage: 1992 - Current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to an index of world literature on toxicology, covering subjects such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pollutants, and more. Citations to journal articles, conference papers, technical reports and theses are included in the collection. Some of the material indexed in this database is owned by the University of Utah, primarily through the Eccles Library.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
TRAIL is a collaborative project to digitize, archive, and provide persistent and unrestricted access to federal technical reports issued prior to 1975. The TRAIL project was initiated in 2005 by engineering and government document librarians (including the University of Utah). The project has since expanded and is now a nationwide workflow among over 30 institutional partners. As of April 2011 more than 30,000 documents have been scanned, cataloged and added to the repository. U.S. federal agencies included in the collection so far are the Bureau of Mines, National Bureau of Standards, Atomic Energy Commission, Saline Waters, and NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics). The collection is constantly expanding to include additional agencies.
Web of Knowledge
- See: Web of Science Core Collection

Web of Science Core Collection

  • Coverage: 1900 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Search the world's leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the science, social sciences, and arts and humanities and navigate the full citation network. Science Citation Index Expanded (1900 - present) Social Sciences Citation Index (1900 - present) Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present) Emerging Sources Citation Index (2019 - present)

For published authors of monographs, please submit your request to be added to Web of Science.


Wiley Online Library Journals

  • Coverage: Varies by Journal
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited

Note: We do not have access to everything in this database. Only the articles and journals with the open padlock symbol next to them are available.

This database provides access to a selection of journals from the Wiley Online Library, a collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. The resources that the University subscribes to can be accessed either by search or browsing, and can often provide access to issues of a given journal before it is available in print.