Article Databases -- Marriott Library -- The University of Utah

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Health Promotion & Education

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  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and patents. The database is updated daily; Scopus contains over 93 million records with over 87 million records since 1970. Scopus indexes over 26,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 7,000 publishers, including over 6,000 open access journals. Scopus also indexes nearly 200 trade publications, nearly 150,000 conferences, and over 300,000 books. Additionally, the database contains over 48 million patent records from US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and UK Intellectual Property Office.
For further assistance, consult a subject guide.


  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
AgeLine provides coverage of aging issues from individual, national, and global perspectives, providing a source of literature on social gerontology. AgeLine indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports focusing exclusively on the population aged 50+ and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. AgeLine also provides information for professionals working in aging-related fields and for consumers. Original abstracts are generated for every citation, with index terms drawn from AgeLine's Thesaurus of Aging Terminology.

Alt HealthWatch

  • Coverage: Varies by Title
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Pioneer
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to full-text articles for more than 180 international (and often peer-reviewed) journals and reports focused on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. In addition, there are hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts. Full-text titles include the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, California Journal of Oriental Medicine, European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, and many others. The Marriott Library's access to Alt Healthwatch provides quarterly updates and seven years of back issues.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Anatomy.TV is a suite of 3D interactive models of human anatomy. Controls allow users to zoom, rotate and peel away layers from the models. MRIs, X-rays, live-action movies and animations are also included to supplement the computer-generated models.

Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to more than 100 full-text journals covering such disciplines as clinical medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pre-clinical sciences and the health care system. Most of the journals covered are available in cover-to-cover PDF.

CAB eBook Packages

  • Coverage: 20011-2014
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The CABI eBook Packages contain a variety of ebooks published by the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI). The collection is covers a wide variety of topics in the fields of leisure & tourism, human health/food and nutrition, environmental sciences, plant sciences, agriculture, and animal and veterinary sciences.

CIA World Factbook

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The CIA World Factbook is a publication of the United States Government that provides data on over 250 countries, including maps and flags, geographic data, population overviews, government data, economic summaries, as well as communication, transportation, military, and transnational issue information. Information on the Factbook's website is updated frequently, and all information contained in the database is in the public domain (as it is a work of the United States Government).

CINAHL Complete

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
CINAHLComplete is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHLComplete is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing & allied health literature.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides full-text access to over 500 journals, 1000 books, and 9,000 medical/procedural videos from Elsevier.

Cochrane Library

  • Coverage: 1988 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of information on healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews contains systematic reviews in health care, including all Cochrane Reviews (and protocols) prepared by Cochrane Review Groups in The Cochrane Collaboration. The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) contains abstracts of systematic reviews that have been quality-assessed. Each abstract includes a summary of the review together with a critical commentary about the overall quality. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) includes details of published articles taken from bibliographic databases (notably MEDLINE and EMBASE), and other published and unpublished sources. CENTRAL records include the title of the article, information on where it was published (bibliographic details) and, in many cases, a summary of the article. CENTRAL records do not contain the full text of the article. The Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR) is a bibliography of publications that report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books, and conference proceedings, and the content is sourced from MEDLINE and hand searches. CMR records contain the title of the article, information on where it was published (bibliographic details), and, in some cases, a summary of the article. CMR records do not contain the full text of the article. The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database brings together details of completed and ongoing health technology assessments (studies of the medical, social, ethical, and economic implications of healthcare interventions) from around the world. The NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED) identifies economic evaluations from around the world, appraising their quality and highlighting their relative strengths/weaknesses.

Consumer Health Database

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Consumer Health database includes journals and magazines covering a wide range of health topics, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
DynaMed provides clinically-organized summaries for more than 3,200 disease and condition topics. The database allows physicians, medical students and other health care professionals to research high-end synthesized information from respected publications, associations, and contributing clinicians. DynaMed's collection includes over 800 topic summaries on AHFS Drug Information®, which is a source of comparative and evaluative drug information. DynaMed is updated daily and monitors the content of over 500 medical journals directly and indirectly by using numerous journal review services. Each issue is reviewed cover-to-cover, including letters to the editor. Each article is evaluated for clinical relevance and scientific validity before being added to DynaMed.


  • Coverage: current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
is a nursing/allied health research database containing unique content and features more than a thousand journals not covered by Embase, Medline, or CINAHL. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine. I’ve attached an Emcare Fact Sheet, as well as a title list of covered journals.

Food & Drink in History

  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
From feast to famine, explore primary source material documenting the story of food and drink throughout history. The materials in this collection illustrate the deep links between food and identity, politics and power, gender, race and socio-economic status, as well as charting key issues around agriculture, nutrition and food production.

Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints is the premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana. This cross-curricular resource supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions. Opposing Viewpoints is a resource for debaters and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more. A category on the National Debate Topic provides quick and easy access to content on frequently studied and discussed issues. Periodical content covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more. Opposing Viewpoints is cross-searchable with Gale In Context: Global Issues for users with access to both resources.

Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The Culinary Arts Collection offers a collection of information—more than five million articles from more than 250 major cooking and nutrition magazines, as well as book reference content from Delmar such as About Wine, Introduction to Catering, Advanced Bread and Pastry, and Eat Fit Be Fit.

Gale OneFile: Gender Studies

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Offers access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family, and marital issues, LGBTQ community, and more.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Created specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers, and health care professionals, Health Reference Center Academic is the perfect resource for up-to-date information on the complete range of health care topics. With more than 2,500 embargo-free, full-text periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries, Health Reference Center Academic ensures that researchers get current, scholarly, comprehensive answers to health-related questions.

Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Provide access to authoritative content including full-text titles cited in CINAHL supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management. Updated daily, this resource will help nursing professionals already working in the field, as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum.
Global Reference On The Environment/Energy/And Natural Resources
- See: GREENR (see Gale in Context: Environmental Studies)

GREENR (see Gale in Context: Environmental Studies)

  • Coverage: unlimited
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
From global warming, to food safety, to access to health care, to the impact of economic development on international relations, today's important environmental issues are shaping the future and reach far beyond the United States. Additionally, as green collar jobs are poised for growth, municipalities strive to be environmentally friendly, and corporations develop green working environments, this resource becomes invaluable. GREENR focuses on the study of sustainability and the environment. Both interactive and current, GREENR allows users to navigate issue, organization and country portals. A one-stop site, this resource provides news, background information, video, unique commentaries, primary source documents and statistics in highly accessible, visually appealing research areas, covering relevant categories including energy systems, healthcare, food, climate change, population, economic development.

Health & Medical Collection

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Health & Medical Collection offers comprehensive and reliable journal coverage on clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, healthcare administration and much more.

Health and Psychosocial Instruments

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: 5
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) is a database of evaluation and measurement tools designed to facilitate health and psychosocial studies. The measurement instruments available include questionnaires, checklists, index measures, rating scales, project techniques, tests, and interview schedules.

Health Source: Consumer Edition

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Pioneer
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences, nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. The collection contains searchable full-text articles from over 165 journals, as well as abstracts and indexing for over 180 general health, nutrition and professional health care publications. The database also includes Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. The content of this collection is tailored for consumers.

Healthcare Administration Database

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Healthcare Administration database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.
Infotrac Culinary Arts Collection
- See: Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts
InfoTrac Nursing & Allied Health Collection
- See: Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health
Institutional Repository (U of U)
- See: USpace


  • Coverage: updated monthly
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users:
JAMA Evidence, using evidence to improve care. An instructional resource from AMA, JAMAEvidence teaches users about concepts fundamental to the practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM), including study design and the “validity, importance, and applicability of claims about the assessment of health problems and the outcomes of health care”. JAMAEvidence includes key texts: - Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice - The Rational Clinical Examination: Evidence-based Clinical Diagnosis - Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience Content is updated monthly. University of Utah only

MasterFILE Complete

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Pioneer
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to information on a range of topics including general interest, business, health and culture, including the full text for nearly 1,950 general reference publications dating as far back as 1975. The database also contains the full text of more than 500 reference books, over 81,900 primary source documents, and a collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags.


  • Coverage: 1946 - Current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
References including abstracts to articles in thousands of biomedical journals with holdings information from University of Utah Libraries.Authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. The U.S. National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database that contains over 36 million references to journal articles in life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine, MEDLINE is the largest subset of PubMed - indexing over 5,000 biomedical journals selected by the U.S. National Library of Medicine's (NLM.)

Native Health Database

  • Coverage: 1600 to present
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The Native Health Database contains bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. The database provides information for the benefit, use, and education of organizations and individuals with an interest in health-related issues, programs, and initiatives regarding North American indigenous peoples.

Natural Medicines

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Eccles Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies. Formerly Natural Standard and Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.

Nursing & Allied Health Database

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Proquest's Nursing & Allied Health Database This database provides comprehensive and reliable coverage of the nursing and healthcare fields, including journals, videos, theses, reference books, and more.

Nursing Reference Center Plus

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Nursing Reference Center Plus is an evidence-based point-of-care resource to quickly answers nurse clinical questions. This expanded resource includes multimedia (e.g. videos and images), nursing management topics, care plans, leadership and management continuing education modules, additional skills. This resource includes continuously updated information, based on the best available evidence in nursing, allied health, and biomedical literature, written specifically for nurses. It also contains cultural competencies, patient education, drug information, and reference books, guidelines, legal cases, and research instruments. Nursing Reference Center Plus is the premier evidence-based resource to support nurses in the provision of improved patient care and patient outcomes while decreasing healthcare costs.

Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and Identity

  • Coverage: 1890s-1990s
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Bringing together unique primary sources drawn from key archival collections, The Olympic Movement presents a documentary record of the origins, expansion and growth of the Olympic Games, and the global history of sport. Through a broad range of sources including correspondence, official reports, newsletters and film footage, researchers can chart the history of sport and its relationships with culture, society, business, media and politics between the 1890s and 1990s. Nature and Scope
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
- See: Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Oregon PDF

  • Coverage: 1948 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
OregonPDF (a non-profit organization) cooperates with colleges and universities throughout the world to make available graduate dissertations and theses in areas related to health and performance, with a focus on physical activity. Academic areas of interest include biochemistry, biomechanics, dance, exercise physiology, history or philosophy of physical education, kinesiology, motor control, obesity, recreation, sports marketing, sports medicine, sports pedagogy, sports psychology, and tests and measurements. The collection has been developed continuously since 1948 by the University of Oregon. There are almost 11,000 dissertations and theses, with a goal of adding between 100 and 150 each year.
- See: PsycInfo from the APA

PsycInfo from the APA

  • Coverage: 1872 - Current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database contains citations and summaries from various journals and books which cover psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines, including sociology, education, business, economics, and law. Journal coverage includes international material selected from more than 1,300 periodicals written in over 30 languages. The collection includes citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports, citations for dissertations, and some full-text articles.


  • Coverage: 1871-current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
PILOTS, the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress, is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Its provides citations and abstracts to the international literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events.
Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress
- See: PTSDpubs

Quarantine and Disease Control in America Series

  • Coverage: 1736-1928
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Deadly epidemics have been challenging the populace since the earliest settlers came to American shores. You can research and read first-hand accounts of American infectious diseases using Accessible Archives’ latest collection: Quarantine and Infectious Disease Control in America Series. PART I: Newspapers, 1736-1922 PART II: Books, 1823-1928

Quick Health Data Online

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database contains data for both women and men on a variety of health related topics, including mortality, infectious and chronic diseases, mental health, reproductive health, maternal health, violence and abuse,illness prevention, and access to care. Users can create tables, maps, and graphs based on this data.

San Francisco Chronicle Archive includes current content

  • Coverage: 1865-current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
San Francisco Chronicle from 1865 to current content.

Science Citation Index [Web of Science]

  • Coverage: 1900 - Current
  • Access: Marriott Library
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully covers major journals across 178 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles.

Science Reference Center

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Pioneer
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
NOTE: This database has been canceled. Access expired on July 1, 2024.

Science Reference Center contains full-text materials from hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. Topics covered in Science Reference Center include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, life science, mathematics, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology, and wildlife.

SPORTDiscus with Full Text

  • Coverage: ~1985 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
SPORTDiscus with Full Text is a source of full-text sports & sports medicine journals, providing more than 530 journals, with full-text coverage extending back to 1985. Some journals in the database have coverage which extends even earlier. Subjects covered by the database include biomechanics, drugs, exercise, kinesiology, movement science, nutrition, occupational health & therapy, physical fitness, physical therapy, rehabilitation, sports & exercise psychology, coaching & education, and sports medicine.

Sports Medicine and Physical Education Index

  • Coverage: 1970-Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database covers a wide range of subjects ranging from fitness and recreation to physical education, exercise science, kinesiology, sport sociology, sport psychology, and sports medicine. Sources indexed primarily include scholarly journals and limited coverage of books, conference papers, and magazines. We do subscribe to SportDiscus with Full Text which provides the full text to over 500 journals ranging from athletic training to journals published by Human Kinetics and many more.


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Varies by Title
STAT!Ref is an electronic medical library that allows users to cross-search more than 350 medical resources in over 50 disciplines, such as Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, Mosby's GenRX, and the Griffith 5 Minute Clinical Consult, among others.

Trade Catalogues and the American Home

  • Coverage: 1850-1950
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Explore domestic consumerism, life and leisure in America between 1850-1950 with Trade Catalogues and the American Home. This resource presents a wealth of highly illustrated primary source documents that highlight commercial tastes and consumer trends, and provide a valuable visual record for a breadth of interdisciplinary study. Trade catalogues have been a prominent feature in commerce and manufacturing from the eighteenth century to the present day. Highly illustrated, they are an essential visual record of a variety of products and facilitate research into popular culture, material culture, social norms and attitudes, as well as the history of marketing, business, and technology. These documents provide evidence of the evolution of distribution and communication systems linking manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers across the emerging United States and beyond. They document the changing commercial tastes and fashions of the consumer over a period of rapid growth, expansion and crisis (both at home and overseas), revealing contemporary prices and economic expenditure for households and individuals on a range of products. Interrogation of trade catalogues, trade cards and marketing ephemera provides opportunities for interdisciplinary research across the social sciences including:


  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
USpace (the University of Utah's Institutional Repository Initiative) is a collaborative project between the libraries at the University of Utah and the University community which collects and archives the intellectual capital of the institution and make these scholarly materials freely available on the Internet.
Web of Knowledge
- See: Web of Science Core Collection

Web of Science Core Collection

  • Coverage: 1900 - Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
Search the world's leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the science, social sciences, and arts and humanities and navigate the full citation network. Science Citation Index Expanded (1900 - present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900 - present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present), Book Citation Indexes (2005-current), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-current, supports structure searches), Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes (1990-current), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-current), and Index Chemicus (1993-current).

For published authors of monographs, please submit your request to be added to Web of Science.