Article Databases -- Marriott Library -- The University of Utah

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  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
AccessScience is a reference tool for all scientific disciplines. The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks of Science & Technology, the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, and the the Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography are all included, as are nearly 800 videos illustrating various concepts in science.

Encyclopaedia of Islam

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: 3
The Encyclopaedia of Islam provides access to articles on distinguished Muslims and their tribes and dynasties, crafts and sciences, political and religious institutions, their history, and information about the geography, ethnography, flora and fauna, topography and monuments of their major towns, cities and countries. The encyclopaedia is focused historically and geographically on the old Arabo-Islamic empire, the Islamic countries of Iran, Central Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Indonesia, the Ottoman Empire and all other Islamic countries.

Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences

  • Coverage: 1st Edition
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences covers many aspects of atmospheric sciences, including both theory and applications. It currently contains over 350 articles, as well as over 1,900 figures and photographs. The Encyclopedia is aimed at academia, government, and industry in the fields of atmospheric, ocean, and environmental sciences and is written at a level that allows undergraduate students to understand the material while providing active researchers with updates on information in the field.
Encyclopedia of Communication Online
- See: International Encyclopedia of Communication

Encyclopedia of Life

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Free
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database is a collaboration between several institutions (Biodiversity Heritage Library, Field Museum of Natural History, Harvard University, Marine Biological Laboratory, Missouri Botanical Garden and Smithsonian Institution) and many contributors, which focus on describing the approximate 1.8 million known species of life on earth. Information on a given species will usually include taxonomy, geographic distribution, collections, genetics, evolutionary history, morphology, behavior, ecological relationships, and importance for human well being. The encyclopedia is an ongoing project with new species and information being continuously added.

Encyclopedia of Modernism

  • Coverage:
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The largest and most comprehensive resource available for all those involved in the study of modernism from students to academics. Interdisciplinary and global content about the Modernist period. The content is fully cross-referenced, allowing for greater discoverability between fields, and covers eight key subject areas: Literature, Architecture, Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and Intellectual Currents. Researchers can browse by subject, movement, or place in order to discover connections between key topics and fields

Gale General OneFile

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
General-interest periodical resource. Most content in General OneFile is full-text with no embargo.Includes reference, newspaper, and audio content that complements the resource's robust collection of magazines and journals. With millions of articles available, General OneFile serves a wide audience of readers.
Grove Dictionary of Art
- See: Oxford Art Online
Grove Music Online
- See: Oxford Music Online

Historical Statistics of the United States

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database focuses on topics ranging from migration and health to crime and the Confederate States of America, with an emphasis on providing quantitative facts in a historical context. The data is fully cross-referenced and indexed, and organized into a series of tables. These tables can be customized and downloaded as Excel or CSV files, and links are provided to related documentation and essays. Access to archival content for this dataset from the U.S. Census Bureau is available.

International Encyclopedia of Communication

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: University of Utah
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The International Encyclopedia of Communication contains information related to communication studies, including coverage of theories, media and communication phenomena, research methods, problems, concepts, and geographical areas. The content of the Encyclopedia is largely focused on communication theory and philosophy, interpersonal communication, journalism, intercultural and inter-group communication, media effects, strategic communication, public relations and advertising, communication and media law and policy, media systems in the world, and communication and technology. New entries are added periodically, and the Encyclopedia currently contains over 1300 entries.

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

  • Coverage:
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
This 9-volume encyclopedia is essential to research in sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, psychology, and other social science fields.


  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Gift
  • Maximum Users: 2 simultaneous users
Note: Access to this database has been purchased using one-time funding and will be temporary and may be canceled June 8, 2021. JapanKnowledge provides access to various Japanese reference sources including JapanKnowledge Lib + Kokushi Daijiten + Nihon Rekishi Chimei

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited

NOTE: This database will be canceled February 1, 2024.

This encyclopedia covers the properties, manufacturing, and uses of chemicals, as well as materials, processes, and engineering principles. Current research, emerging technologies, economic aspects, environmental impacts and health concerns are also addressed. The database contains over 1,000 articles, which are updated regularly, as well as archival content.

Literary Encyclopedia

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
NOTE: This database has been canceled. Access will expire on Jan 1, 2022.

Max Planck Encyclopedias of Public International Law

  • Coverage: complete
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Faust Law Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
Includes the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, as well as the recently launched Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. The two Encyclopedias can be searched and browsed together, or separately by using appropriate filters.

New Catholic Encyclopedia

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The New Catholic Encyclopedia was named one of the top fifty reference sources produced in the last 1,000 years and is prized for its scholarly presentation of persons and subjects related to Christianity and the humanities. The New Catholic Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for questions related to the world’s religions. The Encyclopedia contains 12,000 articles in 15 volumes.

Oxford Art Online

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: 3
Oxford Art Online (formerly the Grove Dictionary of Art) contains over 45,000 signed articles on visual arts, with more than 23,000 subject entries and 21,000 biographies. The collection also includes more than 6,000 searchable images and over 40,000 image links to museums and galleries. The database is updated three times a year with new material and corrections, and covers a number of subjects including painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, decorative arts and photography.

Oxford Music Online

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: 8
Oxford Music Online is a collection of multiple music reference resources. The database includes the full content of Grove Music Online (on which the collection is primarily based), The Oxford Dictionary of Music, which supplements Grove's more-extensive articles with content geared toward undergraduates and general users, and The Oxford Companion to Music, which offers more than 8,000 articles on composers, performers, conductors, instruments and notation, forms, genres, and individual works. Also included is the Encyclopedia of Popular Music, a biographical encyclopedia of rock, pop, and jazz artists, covering popular music from 1900 to the present. All content in the database can be searched or browsed using a number of filters and categories.

Oxford Reference

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: 5
This listing provides access to a collection of language and subject reference works which the Marriott Library has purchased through Oxford University Press. The collection is cross-searchable and can also be browsed by title or entry. Users can retrieve over 2 million short and long subject reference entries (many of which are illustrated), bilingual dictionaries, English dictionaries, quotations, and proverbs. Patrons may also sign up for a (free) personal account which will allow searches and other research information to be saved between sessions.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History

  • Coverage: current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History is a dynamic, innovative, comprehensive, self-reflexive online research encyclopedia, which provides access to state-of-the-art research and also connects readers to the full range of internet resources for research and teaching, including audio, visual, video materials, digitized archives, and other primary sources. By collecting scholarship on all dimensions of Latin American history, the ORE seeks to overcome the anachronistic, disorderly, territorial and disciplinary fragmentation of Latin American History. ORE of Latin American History will cover the entire sweep of Latin American history in its broadest definition, from prehistory to the present and into the future.

Science Reference Center

  • Coverage: Varies
  • Access: UALC
  • Purchased By: Pioneer
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
NOTE: This database has been canceled. Access expired on July 1, 2024.

Science Reference Center contains full-text materials from hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. Topics covered in Science Reference Center include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, life science, mathematics, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology, and wildlife.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  • Coverage: Varies by Topic
  • Access: Freely Available
  • Purchased By: University of Utah
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
This database provides access to a collection of peer-reviewed articles and original papers in the field of philosophy. Over 950 professional philosophers collaboratively write, referee, and maintain this reference work, and the University of Utah is a supporter of the project. The Encyclopedia is updated and revised regularly on a per-article basis.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law

  • Coverage:
  • Access:
  • Purchased By: UALC
  • Maximum Users: unlimited
The 13-volume West's Encyclopedia of American Law provides current information on more than 5,000 legal topics. The Encyclopeda includes articles covering important current issues, cases, statutes, biographies, and definitions, and the articles are written in lucid, everyday language for general readers.

Women's Studies Encyclopedia Online

  • Coverage: Current
  • Access: University of Utah
  • Purchased By: Marriott Library
  • Maximum Users: Unlimited
The Women's Studies Encyclopedia contains information about women from many fields and disciplines of study, focusing on the American experience (though many entries are related to women in other parts of the world as well).